Welcome to MAT 331
Instructor: Dr. Benjamin Dozier
Office: Math Tower 3-116
Usual office hours in 3-116: Tue 1:30-2:30pm, Fri 1:30-2:30pm
MLC office hour: Thur 1:30-2:30pm
TA/Grader: Mu Zhao
Office: Math Tower 2-106
Office hours in 2-106: Wed 2:30-3:30pm
MLC office hours: Mon 1-3pm
Syllabus and Course policies
Useful resources
Lecture topics and notebooks
Course notes
- 05/06/2019
- Project 3 posted. Due Sun 5/19.
- 04/30/2019
- HW10 posted. Due Tue 5/7.
- 04/11/2019
- Project 2 posted. Due Tue 4/25.
- 04/10/2019
- HW9 posted. Due Tue 4/16.
- 04/03/2019
- HW8 posted. Due Tue 4/09.
- 03/28/2019
- HW7 posted. Due Tue 4/02.
- 03/15/2019
- HW6 posted. Due Tue 3/26.
- 03/06/2019
- HW5 posted. Due Tue 3/12.
- 02/27/2019
- HW4 posted. Due Tue 3/5.
- 02/19/2019
- HW3 posted. Due Tue 2/26.
- 02/13/2019
- Project 1 posted. Part 1 Due Sun 2/24. Part 2 Due Sun 3/10.
- 02/06/2019
- HW2 posted. Due Tue 2/12.
- 01/29/2019
- HW1 posted. Due Tue 2/5.
- 01/28/2019
- Syllabus posted.