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Choose a point $u$ in the Mandlebrot set and a point $v$ not in the Mandlebrot set. Draw the Julia sets for $f_u(z) = z^2+u$ and $f_v(z) = z^2 + v$. Also draw the Julia sets $f_w$ for several $w$ on the line segment connecting $u,v$. Observe the change from a connected Julia set to a disconnected Julia set.
# Your solution goes here
Julia sets have a self-similarity property that is a bit different from the fractals we studied earlier. Features that appear in a small region near some point $u$ in the Julia set $J(f)$ will also appear near any other point $v$ in $J(f)$. However the features may appear somewhat rotated, scaled, and distorted relative to each other. Demonstrate this phenomenon with the quadratic polynomial $f(z) = z^2 + (0.3893 + 0.2179*i)$. Choose some point $u$ in $J(f)$, zoom in near $u$, and identify some feature. Then choose another point $v$ in $J(f)$ and find a version of that feature near $v$.
Remember that as you zoom in, you may have to increase the number of iterations in order to get a good picture.
# Your solution goes here
The set $M\cap \mathbb{R}$ is the intersection of the Mandlebrot set $M$ with the real axis $\mathbb{R}$. Figure out exactly what this set is by studying the picture of the Mandlebrot set. Then give a mathematical justification for this in terms of the definition of the Mandlebrot set.
(It is not possible to give such an simple description for the whole $M$.)
# Your solution goes here
Recall that the Julia set $J(f)$ was actually defined as the boundary of the set $$\{ z \in \mathbb{C}: \lim_{n\to\infty} f^{\circ n} (z) =\infty\}.$$ Our drawings have been approximations to the above set (called the Filled Julia Set), rather than its boundary. Modify the function draw_julia (from lecture 04/04) so that it draws just the boundary of the set of escaping points. That is, color a pixel black if and only if it escapes and one of its 4 neighboring pixels does not escape.
# Your solution goes here