Useful Resources
- Documentation for turtle graphics
- Virtual SINC site. Can use Python IDLE for turtle graphics. Also can run SAGE jupyter notebooks.
- Download SageMath. Get Version 8.6, which should come with Jupyter notebook.
Some tips:
- You will need several GB of free disk space.
- (For Mac OS), try to install the .app.dmg version rather than the .dmg version (once installed, the former can be run as a normal app; the latter is run from the terminal.)
- (For Mac OS) There will be several stages, each of which may take a few minutes, so be patient.
- (For Mac OS) When running sage you may get a pop-up message "The gcc command requries command line developer tools...". You likely do not need the extra tools it wants you to install, so you can press "Not now". You may at other times get pop-ups asking you to intall more software. My advice would be to not install added sofware packages unless things are not working.
- Sage tutorial
- Jupyter notebook tutorial.
- Run Sage and Jupyter from an online server using CoCalc.
- "Computational Mathematics with SageMath" Free eBook
- Python2 Tutorial (Sage is based on Python2, not Python3)
- To retrieve files from MySBFiles on the Math SINC site machines you have several options:
- If you're in the Math SINC site, attach the files to email and send them to yourself. You can actually do this from any SINC site, since the MySBFiles should be the same across all of these.
- Remotely access the Virtual SINC site (, using the Citrix receiver. Find your MySBFiles here.
- If you are doing this frequently, you may instead want to use an ftp/sftp client. For Mac, I would recommend Fetch, which you should be able to download for free from