Diana Chua Halikias
Welcome! I am a PhD candidate in math at Cornell University. My advisor is Alex Townsend.
I study numerical analysis and am especially interested in randomized linear algebra, matrix theory, PDEs, and PDE learning theory.
In the summer of 2023, I interned in the Machine Learning and Analytics group run by Michael Mahoney at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Before Cornell, I completed my undergraduate degree in math at Yale.
My CV is here. You can email me at dh736 at cornell dot edu.
I am fortunate to be supported by the NSF-GRFP.
Near-optimal hierarchical matrix approximation from matrix-vector products
with Tyler Chen, Feyza Duman Keles, Cameron Musco, Christopher Musco, and David Persson preprint (2024).
Fixed-sparsity matrix approximation from matrix-vector products
with Noah Amsel, Tyler Chen, Feyza Duman Keles, Cameron Musco, and Christopher Musco, preprint (2024).
Operator learning without the adjoint
with Nicolas Boullé, Samuel Otto, and Alex Townsend, preprint (2024).
Elliptic PDE learning is provably data-efficient
with Nicolas Boullé and Alex Townsend, PNAS Brief Report Vol. 120, no. 39, (2023).
(journal, arxiv).
Structured matrix recovery from matrix-vector products
with Alex Townsend, Numer Linear Algebra Appl. e2531, (2023). (journal, arxiv).
Arbitrary depth universal approximation theorems for operator neural networks
with Annan Yu, Chloé Becquey, Matthew Mallory and Alex Townsend, preprint. (arxiv)
Discrete variants of Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities
with Bo'az Klartag and Boaz Slomka, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6), Vol. 30, no. 2, (2021), 267-279. (journal, arxiv).
A Cheeger inequality for graphs based on a
reflection principle
with Ed Gelernt, Charlie Kenney, and Nicholas Marshall, Involve 13 no. 3, (2020) 475-486 (journal, arxiv).
I run a Little Math Circle for children in grades K-5 in the Ithaca area.
I mentored a research project on the theoretical aspects of machine learning as part of the 2021 Cornell REU.
I have mentored two directed reading projects with Cornell undergraduates on spectral graph theory.
I am the trivia host at Cornell's graduate weekly trivia night at the Big Red Barn!
I also love rock climbing and playing piano.
At Yale, I worked for three years in the Numismatics department of the Yale University Art Gallery.