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Math Department Linux Machines

This is a list of department machines that you may use remotely. All of these machines have the standard set of packages. This list is not complete and it is changing constantly, so check back from time to time.

You can connect to the machines using their complete domain name, such as

The easiest way to connect to these machines is through the Math Portal.

Offsite Cloud Machines

In addition to the machines below, it's now possible to launch a fully-configured Math machine, with all software, licenses, and access to your files, at cloud providers such as Cornell Center for Advanced Computing, or Amazon AWS. These machines appear on the Math network just like other Math machines and are accessed in the same way. These cloud machines can be very large and fast, or include top of the line GPUs. The cloud machines are pay-as-you-go, rounded up to the next hour. For always-on computers like the ones at the Math department, these cloud machines would be very expensive. However, for fixed-duration use, they can be a fantastic bargain. Eventually there will be a self-service page for this, but for now, if you want more information about using Cloud computing resources, email

Dedicated Computation Machines

Hostname Processor Cores / Threads RAM GPU Net
ramsey AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 16/32 128GB RTX 3080Ti 10Gb
fibonacci AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 16/32 128GB RTX 3080Ti 10Gb
boole AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 16/32 128GB RTX 3080Ti 10Gb
squid1 i7-6700k CPU @ 4.0GHz 4/8 64GB RTX 2080 Ti 10Gb
squid2 i7-6700k CPU @ 4.0GHz 4/8 64GB RTX 2080 Super 10Gb
kraken Quad Opteron 64/64 512GB N/A 1Gb
heaviside Xeon E5-2640 12/24 256GB N/A 10Gb
hopper Xeon E5-2640 16/32 256GB N/A 10Gb

Virtual Machines

These are virtual machines made available with extra resources from the department servers.
NOTE: These machines are available but their memory and cpu count are subject to change.

Hostname Processor vCores RAM GPU Net
conway VM on AMD Epyc Milan 14 64GB N/A 10Gb
dynkin VM on AMD Epyc Milan 14 64GB N/A 10Gb

Private Machines

These machines are the property of faculty members and may only be used with their permission.

Hostname Processor Cores / Threads RAM GPU Net Owner
leo Xeon E5-2698 40/80 256GB N/A 10Gb A. Townsend
wooster AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 16/32 128GB RTX 3080Ti 1Gb D. Barbasch
zeno AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 16/32 128GB RTX 3080Ti 10Gb A. Vladimirsky