
Here are some groups that work to support and uplift under-represented mathematicians:

Professional organizations: Association for Women in Mathematics, Center for the Minorities in the Mathematical Sciences, National Association of Mathematicians (serving Black mathematicians), Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, Spectra (serving LGBT mathematicians). All of these organizations welcome participation from allies/accomplices, as well as those groups that they are built to serve.

Highlighting Individuals: You can visit Indigenous Mathematicians, Lathisms (Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences), Mathematically Gifted and Black, Meet a Mathematician. These sites all contain profiles highlighting individual mathematicians of color. You should also check out the Mathematicians of the African Diaspora pages, both old and new. The new pages have an updated, searchable database and are being more actively maintained. The old pages are no longer being updated, but they still contain treasure troves of valuable information.

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