Past travel and invited talks
... starting from 2015.
(the links may be broken, since old conference webages are not necessarily maintained!)
MSRI Connections for Women: Dynamics on Moduli Spaces of Geometric Structures. January 15-16
UIC geometry/topology seminar, March 16, 2015; logic seminar March 17.
MSRI Dynamics on Moduli Spaces. April 13-17
Berkeley undergraduate math colloquium, April 27
Groups, Geometry and 3-manifolds conference in honor of Daryl Cooper. May 21-22 at UC Berkeley
Diffeomorphism groups: algebra, topology, homology. Graduate summer workshop at UC Berkeley. June 8-12
Jussieu, June 22-29. Speaking in Seminaire d'Analyse et Geometrie .
Geometries in action conference in honor of Etienne Ghys. June 29-July 3, Lyon. (not speaking)
LMU Munich, July 6-10, speaking in Oberseminar Geometrie
Canada/USA Mathcamp. July 27-August 1
Beyond uniform hyperbolicity 2015 , Olmue, Chile.
Sonoma State university math colloquium, Sept. 23
University of Utah Max Dehn seminar, Oct 2.
UPenn geometry-topology seminar, December 10
2017-2018 academic year
- August 7-11, GEAR retreat at Stanford
- October 17, Brandeis topology seminar
- October 26-29, No Boundaries conference for Benson Farb at U. Chicago
- Nov. 9 and 10, Geometry seminar and Colloquium at IU Bloomington.
- Nov. 27, MIT algebraic topology seminar
- Jan. 22-24, New Methods for Zimmer's conjectures
workshop at IPAM
- Feb 20, Tufts Geometric group theory seminar
- March 14-16, First Canadian geometry and topolgoy seminar, Fields Institute
- March 19, University of Toronto geometry and topology seminar
- March 23, Harvard Open Neighborhood seminar
- April 14, Boston graduate topology seminar
- May 1-3, University of Virginia geometry seminar and colloquium
- May 21, U. Chicago dynamics seminar
- May 26-27, I'm co-organizing a Directed Reading Program conference at MIT
- June 2-3 Keynote speaker at graduate student conference in geometry, algebra and topology at Temple university
- June 4-8, Topology Students Workshop
- June 25-30 Visiting speaker at Mathcamp
- July 9-13, Minicourse at Young Topologists Meeting, Copenhagen
- July 16-20, Minicourse at Mathematical Summer in Paris
- July 23-27, Workshop on Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, Montevideo
2018-19 academic year
Early september, Dynamics, foliations, and geometry in dimension 3 at the Matrix centre.
Colloquium at Monash University, seminar talk at Matrix progam.
End of september: colloquium and geometry seminar at Cornell.
Nov 1-3, Universty of Michigan RTG seminar, Topology seminar, math club, and geometry seminar.
Nov 3-4, Invited address and Special session at AMS southeastern sectional meeting
Nov 5-9, Fields medal symposium Fields inst., Toronto
Nov 16 Columbia U. Geometric Topology seminar
- December: minicourses at Seoul National University and KAIST,
workshop on geometry, groups and dynamics at SungKyunKwan University
- Jan. 7-11, Caltech visit + geometry/topology seminar
- Jan. 17-18-ish at the Joint Math Meetings
- March 15, UIC colloquium
- March 23
Keynote talk at 44th Annual New York Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference, Syracuse
- March 26
Yale Geometry and Topology seminar
- April 4-5, Wash U. St. Louis Geometry/Topology seminar and Colloquium
April 29-May 3, AIM workshop on surfaces of infinite type
- May 16
University of Chicago Geometry and Topology seminar
June 16-19, Ordered Groups and Rigidity in Dynamics and Topology at CMO.
June 24-28, plenary talk at Dubrovnik IX confernece on topology and dynamical systems
July 8-19, Minicourse at Aspects of Geometric Group Theory at IHES.
2019-20 academic year
2020-21 academic year
- September 16, Cornell "what is" math seminar for students
- October 7, Hyperbolic Lunch (University of Toronto)
- October 8, Binghamton topology seminar
- October 24, Plenary talk at GROW (virtually) at University of Chicago
- October 29, Big surfaces online seminar
- Nov 4, McGill Geometric group theory seminar
- Nov 6, Columbia Topology seminar.
- Nov 10, Swarthmore Kitao lecture
- Nov 14, Presentaiton for high school math teachers at Cornell's math 5080
- Nov 21, 28 Virtual geometric structures seminar
- Nov 24 Virtual seminar in geometry and topology, KAIST / KIAS
- Dec 18, IMJ dynamics seminar, Paris
- January 13, University of Toronto math colloquium
- January 18. Workshop/disucssion on leading Directed Reading Programs over zoom. Contact me if you'd like to participate!
- January 21, U Michigan topology seminar
- February 19, Cambridge Mathematics Society
undergraduate talk.
- March 10, UC Berkeley topology seminar
- March 11, Colloquium at Rice University
- March 13-14 AMS sectional meeting
- April 1, Maryland dynamics seminar
- April 16, UW Milwaukee colloquium
- April 21, AWM Distinguished Colloquium at University of Maryland
- April 29, Colloquium at Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew university
- May 20-21 Virtual Cornell topolgoy festival
- June 7-11 CMS 75th anniversary meeting
2021-22 academic year
- Sept 9 Oliver club (math colloquium) at Cornell
- Sept. 13-17 Congreso Latinoamericano de Matematicos (virtual event)
- Sept 21 Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics (zoom talk, ETH/University of Zurich)
- Sept 22 Problem session/birthday conference for Charles Pugh (zoom)
- Sept 28 Pangolin seminar in groups, geometry, dynamics...
- January 6-8 2022, Special session on geometric group theory at the JMM
- February 1, Regensburg SFB lecture
- February 25-27, Texas geometry and topology conference
- March 7-11 Flexibility and rigiditiy in dynamical systems Simons center, stonybrook.
- March 23 Introduction to research seminar talk for undergraduates at Cornell
- April 1 PATCH seminar, Temple universiy, Philadelphia.
- April 25-29 Mapping class groups and Out(Fn) IHP, Paris.
- June 6-10 Geometry, Groups and Dynamics conference in honor of Francois Labourie, Corsica.
- June 20-24 Hyperbolic groups and their generalisations HIP, Paris.
- June 23 Colloquium at Inst. Math. Jussieu, Paris
- July 6-14 ICM 2022 invited sectional talk, Copenhagen Geometry and Topology meeting.
- August 8-11 Communicating Mathematics workshop at Cornell.
2022-23 academic year
- Oct. 3, Ithaca College math colloquium
- October 10-15 Big Mapping Class Groups and Diffeomorphism Groups at CIRM
- Oct. 27, undergraduate talk at Logos, the Cornell undergraduate philosophy club
- Dec. 2, Columbia university topology seminar.
December 4-9 Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress Vancouver, Canada. Plenary talk.
- Jan 4-7 special session talk at Joint Math Meetings in Boston, MA
- January 16-20, Workshop on the Geometry and Dynamics of Groups of Transformations Fields institute, Toronto.
- Feb 28-March 1, seminar and colloquium talk at Yale.
- March 31, seminar talk at Courant inst.
- April 3-6 conference at CRM, Montreal on huge groups, as part of thematic trimester on geometric group theory.
- April 10-14 Anosov dynamics at CIRM
- May 1-6, Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity, Bedlewo.
- May 7-11, 1,2,3: Curves, Surfaces, and 3-Manifolds
- May 29-June 2 Groups and dynamics in geometry conference in honor of Ursula Hamenstadt.