Gabe Udell


I was a TA for Math 1920: Multivariable calculus for engineers during Fall 2021, Spring 2022, and Spring 2023.
I was an instructor for Math 1110: Calculus I during Fall 2022.
I am excited to be an apprentice instructor at Mathily-Er for part of this summer.


I've been involved with the Cornell Directed Reading Program through which I studied classical field theory, Erhart Theory, and Greedoids with undergraduate students during Fall 2021, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023 respectively.

During summer 2021 I was a graduate mentor on the "Finding Ellipses" project in the Polymath Jr. program.


In Fall 2021 I facilitated a math circle through Cornell. I talked with a group of third and fourth graders each week and helped them to discover the beauty of fractals.
During Spring 2022, 2023 I was a Graduate Student School Outreach Program (GRASSHOPR) fellow. Both springs I got to go into a third-grade classroom to teach a workshop on fractals.

Teaching Seminar

I am a frequent participant in Cornell's teaching seminar. I have given presentations titles: "How students achieve mastery", "How learning works: motivation", and "Beginner level antiracist teaching." In spring 2023 I organized the teaching seminar, coordinated peer teaching observations, and ran several teaching reflection sessions as the teaching development fellow.