Gabe Udell
Brief descriptions in alt texts, contact me if you want to know more.

Hybrid pipe dreams

rules describing the row-swapping bijection between different types of hybrid pipe dreams A hybrid pipe dream for the permutation 13542 with type CBCBC A finite state machine describing obstructive CB sections in a hybrid pipe dream An example of the row-swapping bijection for hybrid pipe dreams

Factorization length in Numerical Semigroups

scaled histogram of lengths of semigroup factorizations of 500 into generators 3,15,16, and 30


A Reidemeister like move on a small region of a star made of pseudochords Different ways that angles emanating from points on one side of a line can intersect that line A topological graph which is weakly isomorphic to a regular drawing of a 7/3 star. That is, the graphs are isomorphic and the isomorphism is such that two edges cross in one drawing iff the corresponding two edges cross in the other drawing. There's probably another condition also but it isn't relevant here. A drawing of a 7/3 star

Cyclic graphs (aka deleted enhanced power graphs)

Cyclic graph of the 3490th group of order 1296 in the small groups library Cyclic graph of the 14th group of order 36 in the small groups library Cyclic graph of the 7th group of order 60 in the small groups library Cyclic graph of the 3rd group of order 210 in the small groups library Cyclic graph of S6

Multiplicative functions

Scatterplot of \(\{\left(\frac{\varphi(p-1)}{\varphi(p+1)},\frac{\varphi(p+5)}{\varphi(p+1)}\right):p,p+2,p+6 \text{ are all prime}\}\) for \(p\) up to 5,000,000

By setting \(f(p_n^k)=2^{2^{-n}}\) where \(p_n\) is the nth prime and then extending to a multiplicative function, one can get a strange construction of the Sierpinski triangle. The picture below does something with twin primes but it isn" t especially important, its just that the pattern still holds in this case. It&rsquo s a fun puzzle to figure out why (Here is a hint ).

Scatterplot of \(\log(f(p+4),\log(f(p+1)))\) for all twin primes \(p,p+2\) between 5 and 2,000,000 where f is as above