At Cornell University
- Spring 2024: Math 6630, Symplectic Geometry
- Fall 2023: Math 2220, Multivariable Calculus; Math 7510, Berstein seminar in topology (4-manifolds), co-lead.
- Fall 2022-Spring 2023: no teaching
- Summer 2022: with Tara Holm and Nicole Magill, mentor for Cornell Mathematics' Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) Project 4
- Spring 2022: Math 4540, Differential Geometry (undergraduate level)
- Fall 2021: Math 1110, Calculus I
At Rice University
- Spring 2021: Math 238, Rice Connect; Math 212, Multivariable Calculus
- Fall 2020: Math 370, Calculus on Manifolds
- Summer 2020: mentor for a remote Summer Integrated Research Experience Network (SIREN) on 4D symplectic embeddings via the methods of "Beyond ECH Capacities," (Hutchings 2016), led by Professor Jo Nelson.
- Spring 2020: Math 501, Topics in Differential Geometry (graduate Riemannian geometry)
- Fall 2019: Math 102, Single Variable Calculus II
At UC Berkeley
Student Projects
In many advanced undergraduate courses I assign final projects. Here are some examples:
- From Math 191 at UC Berkeley: Braid Groups, Representations, and Algebras.
- From Math 4540 at Cornell: see the Math 4540 page.