Benjamin Dozier
Benjamin Dozier
Office: 507 Malott Hall, Cornell University
I'm an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at Cornell.
Before coming here, I was a Simons Instructor (research postdoc) in the math department at Stony Brook University. I received my PhD from Stanford University in 2018 under the direction of Maryam Mirzakhani and Alex Wright.
My research interests include Teichmüller theory, translation surfaces, random surfaces, moduli spaces, hyperbolic geometry, dynamics, and ergodic theory. And I like talking about an even broader range of topics...
My research is supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-2247244, and by the Simons Foundation.
Research papers
- (with J. Sapir) Simple vs non-simple loops on
random regular graphs. [journal | arxiv]
Journal of Graph Theory, 105 (2024), no. 5, 562-579.
- Measure bound for translation surfaces with short saddle connections. [journal | arxiv]
Geometric and Functional Analysis, 33 (2023), no. 2, 421-467.
- (with J. Sapir) Coarse density of subsets of moduli space. [journal | arxiv]
Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 71 (2021) no. 3, 1121-1134.
- Convergence of Siegel-Veech constants. [journal |
Geometriae Dedicata, 198 (2019), 131-142.
- (wrote Appendix to) Uniform distribution of saddle connection lengths in all SL(2,R) orbits, by Donald Robertson.
Geometriae Dedicata 217 (2023), no. 4, 65.
Expository papers
- Compactifications of strata of differentials. [arxiv | pdf]
Writing for a general audience
- Closed geodesics on surfaces. [journal | pdf]
Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach, 13 (2022).
Current Cornell Teaching
- 2024 Fall - Math 1110: Calculus I
Past Cornell Teaching
- 2024 Spring - Math 2220: Multivariable Calculus
- 2022 Fall - Math 2210: Linear Algebra
Past Stony Brook Teaching
Other links